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Certificate Program

Department:Applied Technologies

School(s): Applied Sciences & Technologies

MCC Program Code: AT02
CIP Code: 47.0104
NYSED Code (BRI): 26473

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The Automotive Technology GM Certificate is a one year, three semester program for students who do not wish to pursue a degree. This program is designed for students who want to enter the work force as soon as possible. Each specialized subject includes classroom and laboratory components. The courses in this certificate program are credit bearing courses in the GM degree program and are applicable should the student decide at a later date to pursue the AAS degree in Apprentice Training: Automotive GM.

Program Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the use of soft skills necessary for successful employment within the automotive service industry.
2. Communicate effectively in an automotive service setting.
3. Apply mathematical skills as appropriate to fulfill job responsibilities.
4. Demonstrate competency in OSHA safety practices through the successful completion of S/P2’s Pollution and Safety exams.
5. Perform current vehicle engine service to ASEEF standards.
6. Perform current vehicle brake service to ASEEF standards
7. Perform current vehicle electrical and electronic systems service to ASEEF standards.
8. Perform current vehicle suspension and steering systems service to ASEEF standards.

Employment Potential
For related jobs: Career Coach
Occupational Resource:

Requirements for Program Entrance
Incoming students are required to be MTH 150 ready, be English 101 ready, and are required to have a clean drivers license..

Distribution Requirements

Credit Hours
FIRST SEMESTER: 16 Credit Hours
ATP 101 Introduction to Automotive Technology 5
ATP 105 Brakes 4.5
ATP 141 -GM Automotive Co-op I .5
ENG 101 College Composition OR ENG 200 Advanced Composition 3
ATP 102 Electrical 1 3
Total 16
SECOND SEMESTER: 12.5 Credit Hours
MTH 150 Survey of Mathematics OR Higher 3
ATP 103 Electrical 2 4
ATP 142 GM Automotive Co-op II 0.5
ATP 106 Steering & Suspension 5
Total 12.5
SUMMER SEMESTER: 0.5 Credit Hours
ATP 143 GM Automotive Co-op III 0.5
Total 0.5